Thursday, March 14, 2013

CRX Color Inspiration

I have spent countless hours on Google searching for imports, preferably Hondas, which have qualities that I like. Anywhere from color, stance, or rim style, to meticulous wire tucks or interior transformations. This entry is going to focus on body colors that I would be interested in painting my CRX.

"Battleship Grey" let me start by saying that unless we are talking about the paint that the Navy uses on their ships, this color is completely open to interpretation. There are some supposed BSGs that I absolutely love, and others.... not so much. I am in love with this representation. It looks nice. I'm not a huge fan of flake so this basic color is really pleasing to me.

 This color was guessed to be Battleship Grey. Technically the guy who guessed that isn't wrong because its more of a description of a gloss grey with minimal flake instead of a true paint color. Going off of the knowledge that this car is located in Japan and they really like to mimic euro car colors there, I'd be willing to guess that this is either the grey black color Porsche offers on the GT3 or one of the dark greys that Lamborghini offers. Regardless of what this color code really is, I am a fan!
 This is the stock pewter grey metallic color the CRX came in. I like this color quite a bit, but I kind of feel underwhelmed at the thought of changing my CRX's color from its current stock color, to a different stock color.

Supersonic blue. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this color. I get excited just looking at it. This is such a beautiful color that I cant help but drool over it when I see it in person. However it is such a bold color that it doesn't offer much wiggle room in color coordination with performance parts. I know, what a girly reason to shy from this color... but its hard to accessorize with that. The other issue with this particular paint is how pricey it is! I want only the best for my CRX but the unfortunate reality is that no one will respect my car as much as I do. I cant tell you how many times I’ve seen a girl at a car show put her little Pomeranian or Chihuahua on the hood or roof of whatever car they happen to think is pretty and take pictures of it. Complete disregard for the fact that the paint costs more than the pedigree pooch that’s on it. Thats just one scenario, as many car lovers know, you just cannot trust people around your vehicle. I need to pick a paint color with the full intention of touching it up every so often.

 Rio Red! This color is fantastic. Its just so popular with this car. A huge number of fixed up CRX's are this color. Its easy to see why, its just so pretty! It'd be soooo easy to just freshen up the body with a new coat of Rio, but that's one reason why I am hesitant to do it. Its the easy way out. Its also the popular choice. If I were to go with the popular vote, I would have bought a Subaru STi and called it a day years ago.

 Chianti Red. This is a Honda red that is not as well known. I love it, its a richer deeper red than Rio. It looks so nice; I am a fan of the darker reds. The issues I have with it are: Its red, it lacks originality, it makes your insurance go up, (Side Note: I understand why it goes up but its such a superficial reason; it'd be like making a blonde's health insurance go up because they are more likely to get in an accident its discriminatory, point blank) and it doesn't play well with other colors so you are very limited with accent color options.

This is really more of an honorable mention. Milano Red, because well.... its iconic. Also the CRX that really inspired me to get moving with my own project was this color.

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